What is a piled foundation?
Driven steel piles are the most common form of foundation found in ground-mount solar installation. They are traditionally installed using a piling rig, but can be set into concrete if required.
Our piles are all made using structural grade steel, with a range of thicknesses and coatings guaranteed to make installation stress free and stand the test of time.
To make sure we are as cost-effective as possible, we work with our customers and steel suppliers to adapt the material thickness and coatings, based on our geotechnical and topographical data, producing the highest quality product for the best possible price.
C Pile
C Pile
Applicable with:
Single post & Twin post systems
Suitable for:
Sites where breaking ground is possible, geotechnical results permit use and/or machinery is available.
Piling rig
2000 mm pile, 1500 mm embedment
S450 grade steel.
Coatings: ZM310, ZM430, ZM620, ZM800. Corrosion protection to be determined from site location and ground investigations
Determined by geotechnical and wind load test results
Design codes:
Designed in accordance with
BS EN 1991-1-4:2005 +A1:2010. BS EN 1090 &
BS EN 1991 Parts 1, 3 & 7 (Eurocodes)
V Pile
V Pile
Applicable with:
Twin post system
Suitable for:
Sites where breaking ground is possible and geotechnical results permit use. Performs well in rocky and/or hard ground conditions
Piling rig
S450 grade steel.
Coatings: ZM310, ZM430, ZM620, ZM800. Corrosion protection to be determined from site location and ground investigations.
Determined by geotechnical and wind load test results
Design codes:
Designed in accordance with
BS EN 1991-1-4:2005 +A1:2010. BS EN 1090 &
BS EN 1991 Parts 1, 3 & 7 (Eurocodes)
Concreted Pile
Concreted Pile
Applicable with:
Twin post & Single post systems
Suitable for:
Sites where breaking ground is possible and a shorter pile is required and/or machinery is available
1500 mm pile, 250 mm dia x 1000 mm deep augered hole, 4 bags of Postcrete per hole
S450 grade steel.
Coatings: ZM310, ZM430, ZM620, ZM800. Corrosion protection to be determined from site location and ground investigations.
120 mm x 70 mm x 3 mm x 1500 mm
Design codes:
Designed in accordance with
BS EN 1991-1-4:2005 +A1:2010. BS EN 1090 &
BS EN 1991 Parts 1, 3 & 7 (Eurocodes)